Does nothing for the provided duration. Used in the context of a kf-chain list of maps in order to provide a pauses between individual sequential animations.
Does nothing for the provided duration. Used in the context of a kf-chain list of maps in order to provide a pauses between individual sequential animations.
.kf-sleep-example { $animation-a: ('div': ( margin-left: (0ms: 0, 1000ms: 50%))); $animation-b: ('div': ( margin-left: (0ms: 50%, 1000ms: 100%))); @include kf-chain( $animation-a, kf-sleep(2s), $animation-b ); }
.kf-sleep-example { height: 20px; width: 100%; position: relative; $size: 20px; div { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; background: #888888; width: $size; height: $size; border: 1px solid #e8e8e8; } }
<div class='kf-sleep-example'>